Yeah, that's right. I made a poop joke. What of it.
One of my son's favourite jokes is this: “Did you hear about the police station that had its toilets stolen? The cops have nothing to go on.” I think that was partly the inspiration behind the above cartoon.
This would usually be the part where I launch into a long analysis of the social importance of toilet humour, but instead of that I'll just quote (as I have before) from the most excellent book on humour I have ever read, “The Naked Jape” by Jimmy Carr and Lucy Greeves.
“For children, jokes about bodily functions provide a way to say the unsayable. Any sort of mess and dirt – matter out of place – is a potential source of humour for children. As they learn that 'making a mess' is wicked, they also learn to deal with this transgression safely within a world of jokes.” (Chapter 4)
So there you go. My poop joke is actually quite profound. But really, I just hope it made you laugh.
Now … What's brown and sticky?